Professional Learning at STC
On this page you will find STC sponsored courses and workshops, and pro-growth opportunities being offered in our community.
All STC Courses, unless otherwise noted, are approved to be submitted for NYS CTLE (Continuing Teacher Leadership Education)
and can be used to fulfill the required hours of PD to maintain Professional Certification.
STC Courses are open to everyone, regardless of district employment.
Questions? Call 649-6775 or email
Please note, for online learning sessions, in order for STC to grant credit for the course and issue a certificate of completion, your camera must be enabled for the duration of the Synchronous Sessions and you must be visible to the instructor. This applies to all online courses offered by STC. All asynchronous work is expected to be completed by the scheduled due date, as these assignments are often reviewed/shared in the next session.
For full descriptions of courses/workshops currently being offered click here ->STC SPRING 4 Courses 2024_25
Frontier and Hamburg faculty and staff will be notified of new Pro-Growth offerings directly through their school email. Registration link for each course is found after the dates/instructor.
For the 2024-25 School Year there will be a $1.00 per credit hour fee ($15 for a 15 Hour Course)
Cancellation: In deference to our instructors and their prep time, if you must withdraw, please do at least 5 business days prior to the first session If you do not inform us of your withdrawal, you may be billed a late cancellation fee of $15
District Approval: Please take care of any required prior approvals using your district's procedure. We do not process prior approvals for stipends or professional credit.
Please be sure to submit any district required prior approvals once you register with STC. Your PDP and STC's registration are not linked.
Teacher Aides
Behavioral Strategies for Teacher Aides (Book Study Course)
HAMBURG Teacher Aide Technology Course
Teacher/Social Worker, Administrator Courses
Just Added AI for Educators (see description below)
Book Study with the Author The Classroom of Choice 100+ Strategies to Reach and Teach Every Learner
Creating the Learning Environment* (see below for more info)
Breaking Barrier in the Classroom: Implicit Bias, Stereotypes and Micro-Aggressions
CANCELLED AT THIS TIME: Creating the Visible Classroom
Book Study: AI for Educators: Learning Strategies, Teacher Efficiencies and a Vision for Artificial Intelligence **NEW
Target Audience: Teachers
Category: Instructional Strategies/Best Practice/Technology
Approvals: Frontier Pro-Growth/
Tenure Elective
Hamburg Pro-Growth/Tenure Elective
Fee: $15
Hours: 15 Hours
Instructor(s): Addie Sausner
Time: 4:15-5:15 pm Synchronous Zoom meetings
Dates:: Thursdays, March 13, 20, 27, April 3 & 10
10 hours of asynchronous work to be assigned
Books available for loan for the first 10 requests.
Artificial Intelligence may change the world more than the iPhone, the Internet, or even electricity! It’s already changed education…but how? This book study revolves around a readable guide for educators that will:
• translate AI through a teacher lens
• provide practical ideas and strategies that educators can use in the class right away
• unlock powerful ways to streamline teaching and save time
• paint a picture of the future our students will face
• establish criteria for authentic work submission using AI
Frontier tenure track faculty must take one of the following and then any other 15 hours STC Course
Hamburg tenure track faculty must take Creating the Learning Environment and any APPROVED STC elective course, which includes Understanding Learning.
21st CENTURY THINKING: (offered in March)
-Creating the Learning Environment
-Understanding Learning
If you are up for tenure prior to October 2025 and need Creating the Learning Environment, please pre-register using the link above.
Other Pro-Growth Opportunities
We are happy to share opportunities for professional development from other teacher centers in the Far West Network as well as from community partners.
These course are not sponsored by STC. Registration link are provided with the descriptions.